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Tackling the Climate Crisis

  • March for Science NYC partnered with Earth Day Initiative in 2020 and 2021 to kick off Earth Week.


  • Live Broadcasts featured scientists, activists, and entertainers discussing climate policy, public health and environmental disasters, climate communication, sustainable energy and tech solutions, and individual actions that help bring systemic change. (373,000 views in 2020, >1 million views in 2021)


  • Virtual Festival exhibitors like 500 Women Scientists, World Science Festival, and Climate Reality met with visitors in our Whova app and in a customized Gather space to dive deeper into the topics discussed in the broadcast and identify ways to make a positive impact.

Civic Engagement in STEM

  • Voter registration drives have been held by our members at many university campuses and NYC parks in an effort to increase scientist participation in all elections. 


  • STEM the Vote panel discussions were held to inform viewers on how science is connected to policy and top voter concerns. Each panel consisted of a policy expert and an NYC based activist who work in the same field (average views: 100).


  • Science Debate questionnaires were crafted by our team and sent to the candidates for the 2020 Presidential election and the 2021 NYC election for mayor.


  • NYC Election Debates were organized by our team, along with other NYC based activists groups, to ask pressing science related questions to candidates for mayor (594 views) and the Bronx borough president (312 views)

Science Communication to the Public

  • Public Science Seminars were live streamed to our audience on social media in order to share the scientific research of graduate students and post-docs in NYC with the public (~500 views each).


  • Expert Panels were broadcasted live on topics concerning science and society: one on how science is impacted under facism (7.3 K views) and another on vaccine information and equity (5.8 K views).


  • Instagram Live sessions were used by our members and partnering organizations to communicate science to the public in an informal and accessible manner.


  • Twitch Livestreams were held in collaboration with Rupeethon to stream weekly science conversations and answer questions from viewers.

STEM Community Building

  • An interactive Science Expo channeled the energy of the 2019 flagship March for Science indoors, where local STEM and advocacy groups conducted experiments and engaged participants in the causes that propelled them to march.


  • STEM Happy Hours and virtual Fireside Chats were hosted by our team to gather the scientific community to discuss topics ranging from funding in science to racism in STEM and how to be sustainable in STEM and many other topics. (average participation:__ )


  • NSPN Conference presentation

Youth Engagement with Science

  • 1Freedom for All: This summer, we met with 1Freedom student interns weekly to discuss food justice, hydroponic farming and urban farming techniques, outreach and communication strategies, with the ultimate goal of starting a community garden in collaboration with a school in the Bronx.


  • National Science Camp for Youth: We hosted a workshop series on science policy, activism and advocacy. In this course we discussed the differences between these three avenues of engagement, contextualized the work being done in these spaces with the landscape of systemic racism/anti-racist work, and finally we worked together through three case studies 

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